Monday, April 2, 2012


  1. Improve faculty, student and staff communications through Web content management.
  2. Provide students, faculty, and staff with ready access to the Internet by having a fully wireless campus at all three locations.
  3. Provide students with a state-of-the-art education by ensuring that every classroom is a smart classroom with a minimum technology standard for all three locations.
  4. Implement a portal for the Student Information System to combine all resources used to support student interaction with the College.
  5. Spearhead the shared-services Technology Initiative.
  6. Create mechanisms to better use technology to replace the traditional hard-copy means of corresponding with students.
  7. Ensure procedures and processes are in place to protect student and staff data from external vulnerabilities.

Camden County College's Strategic Plan to 2015

Strategic Plan to 2015: Technology Services

"The College is committed to continually developing and enhancing information technology services and support in order to connect to a global community of learners and educators.Technology to facilitate teaching and learning, as well as wireless access, has been integrated into the many construction and renovation projects."

Camden County College's Strategic Plan to 2012

Technologies that are currently in use at Camden County College

Camden County College uses the following technologies for instructional delivery and student communication:

Microsoft Outlook:

Wireless Network:

College Website:

